Laser Dentistry

Our lasers provide a precise, less invasive alternative to traditional dental tools, significantly reducing pain and recovery time for our patients.

Removing Decay: We use lasers to accurately remove decayed tooth structure while preserving the healthy parts of the tooth. This process involves using the laser to vaporize the decayed area and preparing the tooth for a filling.

Disinfection: We use lasers to sterilize the affected areas in the mouth, eliminating bacteria and reducing the risk of infection. This is particularly useful for extraction sockets, prepped teeth, and periodontal therapy.

Extractions: We use lasers on the Sweeps setting with ozonated water to disinfect the sockets of extracted teeth.

Laser Dentistry:
We use our lasers for all our procedures!

We have Fotona Lightwalker Lasers and a Biolase, which we use for all our procedures.

We have multiple lasers, and we use them because the healing is amazing.

Photobiomodulation (PBM): Also known as low-level laser therapy, we use lasers in almost every procedure to improve tissue repair and reduce pain and inflammation.

Gingivectomy: We use the laser to remove excess healthy gum tissue on some of our procedures such as digital impressions to design implant crowns and cement them.

Etching Enamel for Bonding: We use the laser to etch a tooth's surface to improve the bonding material's adhesion. This process provides a stronger bond for our restorations.

I was so scared to go to the Dentist. Then it got to the point where I was ashamed of putting it off for so long. Dr. Burke is wonderful! I had two implants and a few crowns. Dr. Carmen Burke and her whole staff are just so kind and professional. They really take care of each patient. The office is inviting. I now feel comfortable going to the Dentist.
— Lydia Pellow