Night Guards and Orthotics

We offer BPA-free night guards and orthotics.

Night Guards help protect your teeth from the effects of grinding and clenching. They may also reduce the effects of TMJ disorders. You can wear this type of mouth guard any time, night or day. But because most people grind or clench their teeth during sleep, it’s common to wear them at night.

A dental orthotic is worn to help correct the alignment of your jaw and the muscles that insert into it.

An orthotic is generally designed to help facilitate a permanent change to the bite. There are many reasons that a person's bite may no longer function correctly or support the joints and muscles properly.

"What is the difference between a 'night guard' and an 'orthotic'? They may look similar as they are clear acrylic pieces on your teeth, but the distinction between them is very important. 

A night guard is designed to protect teeth from grinding, but it doesn't address the problem of jaw muscles continuing to grind all night. This can lead to Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) conditions, which can cause facial, neck, and shoulder pain, headaches, and a popping jaw. 

An orthotic, on the other hand, is designed to stop grinding and place the teeth in a position where the jaw muscles and TMJ are comfortable and relaxed. This can help decrease or eliminate many symptoms associated with TMJ, including chronic headaches or migraines.